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Information for health care professionals
Are you a dietitian, lifestyle coach, or a healthcare professional with an interest in nutrition? The recipes from Swapmeals could be a valuable source of inspiration for your clients. The ability to swap ingredients makes the recipes suitable for a variety of dietary needs. We understand the importance of accurate and transparent nutritional information, which is why all Swapmeals recipes provide comprehensive details on nutritional values and allergens. This information empowers users to make informed choices about their diet.
Noory on Swapmeals

Users can create a free Noory account, which is seamlessly connected to Swapmeals to provide fully personalised recipes and meal plans. Noory is a digital nutrition guide that tailors the recipes on Swapmeals based on nutritional needs, food preferences, and dietary restrictions. Noory also creates delicious daily- and weekly menus, providing excellent support for your dietary plan.

In Noory, dietary preferences can be specified, such as a low-energy diet, low-sodium diet, or Mediterranean diet, which are based on dietary guidelines. In cases where no specific dietary choice is made, Noory automatically applies healthy eating guidelines, ensuring that the generated recipes are naturally abundant in fibre while being low in saturated fat, trans fat, free sugar, and salt. This promotes optimal nutrition and healthy eating habits for your clients. Users can also indicate additional preferences, such as taste preferences or food allergies. Furthermore, personal information such as gender, height, weight, activity level, and sport activities are used to determine individual nutritional needs.


Verdify is developing NooryMed specifically for healthcare professionals such as dietitians and physicians. NooryMed is a nutrition management system designed with and for healthcare professionals. It enables healthcare professionals to create evidence-based meal plans for patients and monitor their progress safely and effectively. NooryMed takes into account food-drug interactions, side effects, and disease symptoms. The patients themselves use the Noory interface as described above, and can add personal (taste) preferences to the profile that is set up by the healthcare provider. NooryMed is currently in a clinical pilot phase.

Several studies have shown that personalised nutrition may be more effective than general dietary advice [2, 3]. Moreover, with the help of Noory, nutrient recommendations are translated into practical recipes, making it easier for the user to follow the recommendations.

Company structure

Verdify is the organisation behind Swapmeals and Noory. Verdify’s mission is to enable people to make better food choices for personal and planetary health. Verdify fulfils this mission through platforms such as Noory and Swapmeals.

1. Public Health England. (2016). Government Dietary Recommendations. Accessed 04-07-2023 from:
2. Celis-Morales, C., et al., Effect of personalized nutrition on health-related behaviour change: evidence from the Food4Me European randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2016. 46(2): p. 578-588.
3. Rijnaarts, I., et al., Increasing dietary fibre intake in healthy adults using personalised dietary advice compared with general advice: a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition, 2020: p. 1-12.
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